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What is Craniosacral?

On a physical level, the client might feel heat under where the hands are, a tingling in a distant part of the body, shivering, repeated yawning, a sense of opening or expansion, easier and deeper breathing, calming down from a high stress level, or coming back from a deep exhaustion and feeling revitalized. This is met by the stimulation of the metabolic action of the nervous system. The functions of the immune system, the endocrine system, the digestive system, the pulmonary system, and the cardiovascular system are all supported by this action.

On a psychological level, clients feel the desire to feel safe and to be heard. A skilled therapist helps a person reconnect with a sense of self. The lights go back on, the joy and smile come back and the person feels back home inside. A client might say: “I have a bit more space to be with everything that happens in my life. It’s not all so depressing. It’s not all so heavy.

There can be silence and there can be conversation about the here and now. We are exploring together; what is happening, what are we sensing, like an enquiry or discovery. “What is happening now? What do you become aware of? What is the quality? And now, what has just changed? What are you sensing now?” All verbal communication is supporting the process of returning back home and discovering jewels on the way.

How is Craniosacral Therapy applied?
"The Body manifests what the Mind believes and the Heart feels."
–Qigong Master Shen Chan

The Client usually lies on a massage table fully clothed, but in some cases the client may only be able to sit and that works just fine as well.  The practitioner places his/her hands on the body with a very light touch, usually one hand above the body and one hand directly underneath the body, so that the area of disturbance can be assessed in a three dimensional and subtle way.

Who benefits from craniosacral therapy?

Craniosacral therapy is for all ages, from new born babies to old age.

What does the client experience during the treatment?

On a physical level, the client might feel heat under where the hands are, a tingling in a distant part of the body, shivering, repeated yawning, a sense of opening or expansion, easier and deeper breathing, calming down from a high stress level, or coming back from a deep exhaustion and feeling revitalized. This is met by the stimulation of the metabolic action of the nervous system. The functions of the immune system, the endocrine system, the digestive system, the pulmonary system, and the cardiovascular system are all supported by this action.

On a psychological level, clients feel the desire to feel safe and to be heard. A skilled therapist helps a person reconnect with a sense of self. The lights go back on, the joy and smile come back and the person feels back home inside. A client might say: “I have a bit more space to be with everything that happens in my life. It’s not all so depressing. It’s not all so heavy.

There can be silence and there can be conversation about the here and now. We are exploring together; what is happening, what are we sensing, like an enquiry or discovery. “What is happening now? What do you become aware of? What is the quality? And now, what has just changed? What are you sensing now?” All verbal communication is supporting the process of returning back home and discovering jewels on the way.

What can Cranial Sacral Therapy  support?
  • Tension headaches, Migraines

  • Neck, Shoulder and Back pain

  • Head and Spinal cord injuries, concussion 

  • Stress reduction, insomnia

  • Emotional and Depression issues, Post-Partum Depression, Anxiety, Stress

  • Coordination and Concentration difficulties

  • Hyperactivity

  • Facial pain, Temporo-Mandibular (TMJ) Dysfunctions

  • Dental and Orthodontic problems

  • Recovery from surgery

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